Friday, 21 June 2013

Positano: Day 5

After enjoying breakfast on our private balcony we decided to be a wee bit naughty for one morning. We decided to crawl back into bed and sleep late. I know I know, we're in Positano, Italia (I say this with a cheeky Italian accent - The Godfather style) but we're on holiday so we get to make the rules, right?

We strolled down towards the beach at 11:30am, finding a seat opposite Chez Black (an upper class pay-through-your-teeth kind of restaurant) next to the side walk. This was the perfect vantage point to enjoy a spot of people watching. We watched a delivery guy take a box containing punnets of raspberries from the storage compartment of his scooter and shake them into a more presentable display, unfortunately saw too much of some people and just enjoyed watching people of all shapes and sizes.

The heat soon got to us and we dove into the ocean.

We trekked around the cliff in search of a late lunch and found shelter from the 31 degree heat under a tree. As well as something else!

Around the bend... a secluded beach!

As tempting as the water looked we first had to satisfy our ever grumbling stomachs. So we stopped in at La Guarracino.

Satisfied we wandered down to the secluded beach's little brother.

And we spotted Roxy's Italian cousin!

Another lazy day in the Italian sunshine! A perfect last day.
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